Facts About Vinyl Car Wrap Removal

Some lease companies like to wrap your car as the covering protects the finish from the sun’s harmful UV rays, which causes the paint to fade. The wrap also keeps the car free of nicks or scratches. This not only causes the vinyl & laminate to separate but the adhesive residue left behind is extremely difficult to remove and clean. But Vinyl Car Wrap Removal, for replacement or other reasons, is it easy?

There are things to consider, but luckily, there are steps to reverse the look of the car after putting the vinyl wrap. There are tools that are used by experts that can help easily remove the car wrap. Fortunately, a car wrap is entirely reversible and will not ruin an OEM manufacturer’s paint job.

But there are lots of unknowns when it comes to Vinyl Car Wrap Removal. Things to consider include the age of the wrap, type of material and adhesive that was used when the wrap was applied and whether or not there is any rust or damage to the vehicle. While you can remove a wrap yourself, it is better to leave the job to professional wrap technicians.

If the car is painted recently, waiting for about three weeks is necessary to remove the wraps. If there is a primer has been used on the edges, removing car wraps will be a big problem.  Using a primer is like cheating on a test so you can barely get a passing grade. Primers are used to seal the wraps to avoid separation and water getting under the film. There is absolutely no need to use a primer when the vinyl is installed properly and the post installation requirements are well performed.

Films with low-tack or changeable adhesive can be removed without the use of heat for a specific time period. For any vinyl car wraps that require heat, the heat is normally applied at a low angle to prevent splitting of the adhesive. Surfaces are then reheated as needed. Also, a car wrap without a laminate is very difficult to remove.

Vinyl Car Wrap Removal entails three phases, or heat, detailing, and clean-up. All is needed is a heat source, preferably a heat gun, some experience and a lot of patience. The heat phase of the removal process basically involves using a blow torch in most cases. The wrap needs to be heated to reach a certain degree and pulled back slowly in a 45 degree angle. The technician begins at a seam or edge until the vinyl car wrap is lightly heated with the flame. The auto wrap is then pulled from the vehicle.

Using both hands with the fingers spread open so contact is made to the most of the surface of the film while pulling back. After most of the vinyl wrap is removed, phase two, or detailing, is undertaken to remove the remaining, or smaller pieces of the wrap. Do not yank the film. If the car wrap has been on the vehicle for more than 3 years then there is a chance that the adhesion is pretty strong, yanking the film may cause separation from the vinyl and laminate.

Phase three of the removal process involves using a specialized solvent to remove the adhesive and remaining residue. In many cases, the heat application in phase one has already dissolved most of the glue. Once this step is accomplished, your car will be as shiny and clean as the day when it was originally wrapped.